One large limitation in healthcare provisions is the lack of human resources for patients to make regular appointments. Patients may have difficulty getting to the clinic on their own, or depending on their health condition, may require more frequent check-ins than are available for optimal care. Digital health platforms can provide a critical assistive tool to fill this gap in resources, as well as communicate the information clearly and succinctly to both health care providers and patients.
One tool to track patient progress is through questionnaires, which can include multiple choice questions about mobility, medications, past medical history, and tasks. The Questionnaire module allows users to incorporate questionnaires based on the FHIR Standard in Spezi-based applications, that maintain healthcare standards and keep consistent data collection.
We offer a variety of question types, including lists of questions, text input, image capture, sliders, date and time input, and number validation.
Glasglow Coma Scale
The Glasgow Coma Scale is used to reliably measure a person's level of consciousness after a brain injury by asking a series of questions that testing eye, verbal, and motor skills.
Patient Health Questionnaire-9
This questionnaire assesses the frequency that patients experience certain depression symptoms.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder - 7
This survey measures the severity of anxiety symptoms in patients.
International Prostatism Symptom Score
This survey ask about severity of urinary symptoms and quality of life, in order to assess the severity of disease and progression of care.
Questionnaire Generation
Using Phoenix, you can generate your own custom HL7 FHIR surveys or upload an existing one that can be integrated into the app. You can test out Phoenix on the web platform here.
Technical Resources
For developers, directly access the Spezi Questionnaire module and the issues page from here.
GitHub Ask technical questions on Github
ResearchKit and the ResearchKitOnFHIR packages are helpful packages for collecting medical data and creating FHIR questionnaires.
Is this feature available for Android?
Yes! We have developed modules for compatibility on Android devices as well. For an overview of all of our Android-compatible features, refer to our GitHub page: Spezi Kt